
stand by me

stand by me

In general I’m not that kind of woman who lives in the shallows.
I have no fear of depths.
Whether it’s my aim for interaction with other people or about things that have my interest or require my attention.
Above all in life, I like to have real meaningful contact and sincerity in all forms. To be as pure as possible, be the best I can be and always trying to strive for authenticity.
I love to really see each other and I love that we love seeing each other.
With eyes that shine and your laughter too.
There’s, however, one exception.
Sometimes I want it (to be) short and quick.
Sometimes I want you (to be) short and quick.
I want to know how it feels when you’re ‘in control’ (of me) and I want you to show me.
So turn me around.
Push me against that wall. Hard.
I want to feel it in my tits, do you read me?
I want my hands on my back and I want you to keep them there.
Hold me tight.
Come on.
I want to feel your power. Do it. With me.
I want my panties around my ankles.
I want to make a mental representation of it in my head,
because I find it such a horny perception, of how it should be, standing. So close to you.
I don’t want to go anywhere, but you.
There is no other way out for me, and if there is, I don’t want it,
but for you, one the other hand, there are (my) two exits. You can take em both. Are you still following me? Or am I the one who follows you and is that the way it has to be, if you want to be fucked against the wall?
I want my skirt up.
I want (my ass) to be exposed.
By you.


All artwork by Puck Rietveld

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